Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Conflicted Culture

Nearly everyday I try to visit CNN.com to take the daily poll. There's always some interesting topics. It's a broad spectrum of issues; from international law to local jurisprudence, weighty issues to pop-icon news. I like to see where I stand with the general 200,000 folks that also take the daily polls.

This past week though, one of the poll questions reiterated my previously stated notion that the US is an extremely conflicted culture.

Last week, CNN.com asked, "Should the U.S. military offer H1N1 vaccinations to Guantanamo Bay detainees?"

Now, remember that the news reported majority of American's calling for the closing of Guantanamo Bay due to humanitarian reasons. I assumed that the bulk of America then, would have checked YES on this poll.

However, to my surprise, 63% said NO.

The point of my blog isn't to tell you what's right or wrong. Rather, its to further healthy conversation and debate ("healthy" is the critical word here).

So, how can a nation that cries for humanitarian reasons to close Guantanamo Bay, also vote overwhelmingly to deny basic health care?

Please feel free to chime in and continue the conversation!


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