(we decided to go to bed EARLY with the girls...who knows how much we'll be up during the night)
8PM...feed Olive
8:30PM...finish feeding, change diaper, and put Olive to bed
8:45PM...Olive decides she hates her crib and cries
8:49PM...Olive is settled and put back in her crib
8:50PM...I'm under the covers
8:51PM...Olive cries again and un-swaddles herself
8:52PM...Cora begins to cry in unison with Olive
8:55PM...Olive is settled and back in her crib
8:56PM...Cora is settled and back asleep
8:57PM...I'm back in bed and get under the covers
9:02PM...Olive starts wailing again
(continue this sequence until 12:48AM)
SLEEP...till 2:25AM
(continue sequence for the next hour - no Cora this time though, she is asleep now)
SLEEP...till 4:33AM (feeding)
SLEEP...till 6:30AM
Awake and beginning the day...and by awake, i mean NOT AWAKE.
My tired-ness is (hopefully) your enjoyment.