Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Here's a little teaser for the new EP that will be available in mid-December!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It Gets Fuller...


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Kishi Bashi

I saw this while out on tour, and was really blown away!  From one violinist to another, this is some truly creative stuff.  Enjoy!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012


 One of my pet peeves is inconsistency.  (For example, it is intellectual-dishonesty to vote for the sanctity of life on one hand, and in the other, vote pro-war and capital punishment)

In light of that (preventing further inconsistency), I'd like to walk you through a critical thinking exercise…

1. Some argue that America is a city upon a hill; that God has blessed our perfect union; and that we are a beacon to the rest of the globe - bringing about God's kingdom through OUR nation, leaders, and policies.

2. If you agree with statement #1, then whoever wins today's election, is part of God's providential plan for renewing His kingdom. 

3. If YOUR candidate didn't win, the logical conclusion is that your vision of God's will is not properly in sync with God's.  (most likely 1/2 of our nation will fall into this category).  This may be hard to swallow, but logically, this is the only valid conclusion you can arrive at.

4. If you disagree with statement #1, you probably don't believe that America is God's nation; that America carries God's beacon into the rest of the world; that America being founded as a Christian nation is more myth than reality; that God's economy is not necessarily man's (which means God doesn't pick and choose American candidates, He's not concerned and/or involved in our American Democratic process - but rather, up to something WAY BIGGER, WAY more counter-cultural, WAY more revolutionary); and that American nationalism and political strength is not in line with the way of the cross.

5. The most important take away in moving beyond election day is to understand that as followers of Jesus, we vote every single day.  We vote with our interactions.  We vote with our purchasing.  We vote by the ways we show and do not show love and mercy to others.

Let's move forward intellectually, honestly, and understanding that regardless of the political lever we pulled today; that how we treat others tomorrow, the products we consume in the years to come, the shalom we work towards, and the love we show, casts a much more important ballot.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Next Month...

 Hey folks, just wanted to first apologize for being absent from the blog this past week...i've been swamped in the studio working on a couple projects.  I'm recording an awesome up-and-coming singer/songwriter, Harry Hinrichs.  On top of that, I'm also writing and recording a BRAND NEW EP, which I hope to make available in early December!  Thus far, the new EP is blowing my mind with lots of thumping bass drums, layers of gritty acoustics, reverb-laden vocals (featuring Kate on a couple tunes), a handful of trumpets, and strings galore...

The EP is FOR SURE going to have an acoustic version of Veil and There's A Sound.

Until there's more details, keep up-to-date here on the blog, or at the official RC site!
