Monday, April 4, 2011

LiveFMG - Album Review

Here's a recent review of the new album, from LiveFMG:

As I quest the realm of the internet prospecting for music to fill my show, I occasionally stumble upon something shiny and sparkly. Ross Christopher’s sixth studio album Boxes And Human Fog caught me quite by surprise. Mr. Christopher, the acclaimed musician that has sold thousands of albums internationally, unleashes soaring vocals that proclaims this music ROCKS without ever pushing the boundary of getting screechy.

Without being self indulgent, “Urgency” transports the listener from a catchy riff into a jam reminiscent of a dark tunnel and then back out on the other side - a musical journey well worth taking. The acoustic beginning of “Doubt Brings Hope” suggests that the music is going to slow down, but the songs crescendo highlighted by a U2-esque machine gun drum line begs to differ.

The song “War on War” sums up the entire album for this reviewer. The song combines Mr. Christopher’s powerful vocals along with an almost anthem like beat that builds throughout the song. In addition, the artist flexes his lyrical writing muscle with this infectious chant, “I'm declaring a war on war / Cause war's a dirty dirty whore / Who soliders on to break and bleed / And kills all humanity.”

The six months Mr. Christopher spent writing and recording Boxes And Human Fog at Silo Tree Studios and Ardent Records was obviously time well spent. Records like Boxes And Human Fog are why I mine the internet. In this reviewer’s humble opinion Ross Christopher’s Boxes And Human Fog is very shiny gold nugget.

(Sean Robertson - LiveFMG)

Thanks for reading!


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