Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Culture of War.

Last night, Kate and I were talking, and it occurred to me that the US has been at constant war every year that we've been married. We've been at war every year our kids have been alive. And what's worse (because we know no one specifically engaged in the war or affected by the loss of war), is that we've never really stopped to think about it much past when we first invaded.

It seems as though war is downplayed so much so, that (unless your loved ones are involved) its an afterthought, a blockbuster movie, a documentary, but surely not real. Sadly though, war is real. War is horrific. And we gloss over it as though its just a part of our national fabric.

I wasn't around for the Vietnam war, but it seems as though the nightly images from imbedded journalists kept the horrific reality of things more in the forefront. Now however, with a 24 hour news cycle, we've somehow lost that brutal and honest reporting and exposure. That's dangerous!

Because if we begin to forget that war is happening - even more so, that we are waging said war(s), we'll become drunk on the idea of war. My kids will grow up not knowing what its like to live in peace. War will become normalcy, and the violent nature of war will become sterile.

I pray for shalom. I hope you do too.



Chris said...

Regarding the importance of reminding ourselves of the images of war, I think certain documentary film makers are trying to accomplish what you are talking about. I am thinking specifically about the recent documentary "Armadillo":


I have not seen the film but from the trailer it looks like a powerful movie.

Ross Christopher said...

Thanks. I'll check it out. Restrepo was another good doc.