Monday, September 28, 2009

NEW Book Entry #01 (How the Church = God, & Why That is So Dangerous)

Another, totally separate book I'm working on that I can't help but share with you. It's been on the forefront of my mind the past 72 hours, and forced my hand to begin writing.

SYNOPSIS: I had the idea to write this book one evening while mowing my lawn. I think it was one of those unhealthy mows where I mulled over all of the negativity I was feeling at work, the dysfunction of church leadership, the wrong picture of Jesus being painted because the Church wasn’t acting as the bride it was called to be.

So out of an initial frustration and anger, came a greater hope for the state of the Church, to truly become and embody what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus. To the world, the possibility of Christ’s bride is limitless. But there is much to be taught, learned, discarded, and acted upon.

I write this in humbleness, as I have most certainly been more a part of the problem than the answer. But as I’m learning to live and breathe and act more fully to my created purpose and uniqueness, I can’t help but write this.

I must write what I’m finding.

And in time, I’m sure I’ll even discard parts of this – and I’m okay with that.

But for now, here’s what I’m finding.

(that's all you get for now)

BUT I did just happen upon this, this morning and thought while we were on the subject matter, I'd post the link.

(Relevant Magazine Article - "A lot of people are cynical about the church. It’s a short step to then be cynical about God.")

1 comment:

SATELLITE 42 said...

I can relate to this...can I read it when you're done?