Tuesday, August 30, 2011

rooted. PART II

Yesterday I wrote this:
At our foundation we are rooted as a new creation, yet we resist things newly creative...

Today I'd like to focus on the resistance to change that is pervasive in our culture, and how that resistance speaks volumes to the disbelief and unwillingness to participate as individuals and communities named: new creation.

Think about our music industry...it puts out what can sell, which is rarely (if ever) blowing people away with its creativity. Instead what is considered "mainstream" is easy to get into and participate in, because it requires very little imagination. Its 3 1/2 minutes of 3 or 4 chords in the format of verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, solo, chorus. Those outside the mainstream are the ones taking risks (often times at the cost of their overall success). Often times you'll see a band from outside the mainstream water down their creativity, only to be bought up by the masses. However, what was lost was that unique creative, change, of art.

In technology and fashion we have what's called: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. This is the practice of examining the pace at which things newly creative are adopted and used by the public. But the general public is slow. There is a very small minority of individuals that fall into the first 2 categories.

Change is uncomfortable. But why?

I believe it is because we don't truly believe the idea that we are rooted as new creation. Other wise, creating and adopting change would be the standard - it would be the common thread that unites us.

In politics, we play the game of one step forward and two steps back. When things are unclear and uncomfortable change is proposed, the opposition rebuts, "we need a return to _________ politics" (fill in the blank with what ever political predecessor you like).

In film and tv, it seems like the remake is king these days. In an industry filled with some of the most creative people out there, we have allowed the general public (resistance to change) dictate the art that is out there.

Within the church, change is even more scarce. The people gathered together to proclaim themselves rooted as a new creation, are sadly some of the most resistant to change and experience things newly creative.

How is this possible?

Because we say this truth without even considering its implications, and without ever considering living it and expressing it in our own lives.

If we truly believe that we are new creations, created in the image of God, with the unique ability to create, how is it we seem to resist it at every level?

More tomorrow...


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