Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thoughts on Snow.

Living in St. Louis this year means we have yet to see any snow. But I'm going to write about it anyway today - maybe in hopes of an eventual snowfall...

I think snow is a perfect metaphor for creativity. Early on as children, we loved the idea of getting a foot of snow dumped on us. We watched the windows impatiently as the first flurries of winter fell. We stayed up and watched the nightly news for the possibility of school closings. We woke up to crisp mornings and no matter the wind chill demanded to go outside and create snowmen, snow angels, snow forts, and go sledding.

But as we grew up, snow brought us tension. It meant shoveling and slow traffic. It meant longer lines at the store (as if this snow was going to be a wintry' apocalypse).

As with creativity, what was once enthusiastic and natural, has become tamed and even hated.

But as the snow falls this year, take a few moments to look through a densely wooded area. You can see everything. Snow exposes what was once camouflaged. The crispness of the air is rejuvenating. The snow can beckon creativity, newness, freshness, while also causing stress and retreat. So it goes with creativity.


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