Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blue Like Jazz

About 10 years ago I read Blue Like Jazz (Donald Miller). It was (and still is) a telling read on Don's personal experience of growing up "churched," the walls he felt between what was considered okay by the church, and what was outside. His commentaries should stir in you a sense of reconciliation between American Evangelical church-culture, and the perceived and guarded secular culture.

Fast-forward 10 years and the movie is being made. I couldn't be more excited to see it! Here's the movie trailer:

And here's an interview with Don and the actor playing Don in the movie. I love what he says about the christian label...that if you're a christian-artists (music, film, etc) that its expected that the gospel is present in every work, but that if your a christian-plumber, no one expects your fixes to be joined with a gospel presentation.


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