Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Symphony

I didn't write this.
I wish I had.
Its beautiful.

My parents had an old manuscript of this framed for me before college and I've had it on my desk ever since.

There's a ton of truth just seeping from it.

My Symphony
by Celia McClure (1914)

To see beauty even in
the common things of life.
To shed the light of love
and friendship round me.

To keep my life in tune with the world
that I shall make no discords in the harmony of life.
To strike on the lyre of the universe
only the notes of happiness, of joy, of peace.

To appreciate every little service rendered.
To see and appreciate all that is noble in another,
Be her badge what it may.
And to let my lyre send forth the chords of love,
unselfishness, sincerity.

This is to be my symphony.


Brandon said...

Lyre? I prefer the Cithara.

Ross Christopher said...

lutes and jew's harps as well.