Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mark Twain: a precursor to an untrue history

Recently I read that the newest editions of Mark Twain's, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn have been edited. Have you read it? I remember it from 7th or 8th grade. I remember reading it aloud in the classroom, 1 paragraph at a time. I remember cringing when I had to read the N-word aloud too.

Now, kids won't have to cringe anymore.

But, perhaps I learned a dirty (yet true) history of the American past. I didn't become racist from reading the word. If any response and reaction was made, it was a sadness that this was normal speak of the 1800's.

So now we have edited, PC versions of the classics emerging; and even though we may no longer have to cringe and feel uncomfortable as we read these degrading and de-humanizing words and descriptors, we will certainly forget how far we have come, the accomplishments of so many to end this "normalcy."

What are the long term implications - what does this do to art in general?

Will artists now write in such a way that is fearful of future edits?

Will we write more bland, so as to avoid the possibility of differing future opinions?

My 2 cents,

p.s. i'd love to discuss this...especially from any teachers

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