Friday, January 1, 2010

2009: bad, fair, or good? (hope in expectation for 2010) ran a poll asking how you'd rate 2009 - bad, fair, or good. The overwhelming vote went with fair.

Fair is dangerous. Fair is content. Fair is status quo. Fair is un-memorable. Fair is luke-warm. Fair keeps us comfortable without the push of any sort of urgency, and is too easily repeatable.

In my opinion, fair is the worst place to be.

Think about it...bad gets your butt in gear to make improvements. Good makes you analyze what went right and pushes you to create more of those good experiences. Fair just happens again and again, not bad enough to inspire change, not good enough to push you (and others) further.

Don't have a fair 2010...go out on a limb, take chances, pursue your dreams, and embrace the fact that you might fall hard doing what you believe in and are passionate about; but also be prepared for the best year ever!

Peace in 2010,

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